1. Define composer.
It is an application-level package manager for PHP. It provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.
2. What is HTTP middleware?
HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests. Laravel includes a middleware that checks whether application user is authenticated or not.
3. Name aggregates methods of query builder.
Aggregates methods of query builder are: 1) max(), 2) min(), 3) sum(), 4) avg(), and 5) count().
4. Explain important directories used in a common Laravel application.
Directories used in a common Laravel application are:
- App/: This is a source folder where our application code lives. All controllers, policies, and models are inside this folder.
- Config/: Holds the app’s configuration files. These are usually not modified directly but instead, rely on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the root of the app.
- Database/: Houses the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
- Public/: Publicly accessible folder holding compiled assets and of course an index.php file.
5. What is a Controller?
A controller is the “C” in the “MVC” (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which is what Laravel is based on.
6. How will you register service providers?
You can register service providers in the config/app.php configuration file that contains an array where you can mention the service provider class name.
7. Where will you define Laravel’s Facades?
All facades of Laravel have defined in Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace.
8. List default packages of Laravel 5.6.
Default packages of Laravel 5.6 are: 1) Envoy, 2) Passport, 3) Socialite, 4) Cashier, 5) Horizon, and 6) Scout.
9. Name databases supported by Laravel.
Laravel supports the following databases:
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
10. What is the use of dd() function?
This function is used to dump contents of a variable to the browser. The full form of dd is Dump and Die.
11. Explain active record concept in Laravel.
In active record, class map to your database table. It helps you to deal with CRUD operation.
12. Define @include.
@include is used to load more than one template view files. It helps you to include view within another view. User can also load multiple files in one view.
13. What is reverse Routing in Laravel?
Reverse routing is the process used to generate the URLs based on the names or symbols. It is also known as backtracking or reverse mapping.
You can do reverse routing in two ways:
- Using route parameters in routes
- Using route names in routes
When you use the URL structure, you can simply add a symbol or name at the end of your URL. It will let you create more readable URLs in your application and make it easier for users to understand them.
Route:: get(‘list’, ‘blog@list’);
{{ HTML::link_to_action(‘blog@list’) }}
14. How to mock a static facade method in Laravel?
Laravel facades provide a static interface to classes available inside the application’s service container. They’re used to provide a simple way to access complex objects and methods, and they’re often used to centralize the configuration of those objects.
Facades can be mocked in Laravel using the shouldRecieve method, which returns an instance of a facade mock.
$value = Cache::get(‘key’);
15. What is Dependency injection in Laravel?
In Laravel, dependency injection is a term used for the activity of injecting components into the user application. It’s a critical element of agile architecture. The Laravel service container is a powerful tool that manages all class dependencies and performs dependency injection.
The Laravel service container is a tool that manages all class dependencies and performs dependency injection.
public function __construct(UserRepository $data)
$this->userdata = $data;
16. Give an example to describe how a Route is created.
Routes are created in the routes folder. The files web.php and api.php have the routes that have been created for websites and API, respectively.
Route::get(‘/’, function () {
return view(‘welcome’);
The above Route is defined for the homepage, and it returns the view “Welcome” every time it gets a request for /.